Your purpose in life is to use your gifts and talents to help other people. Your journey in life teaches you how to do that. - Tom Krause
As beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, talent benefits the hand of the user. You could be born with a great voice and choose to never sing while another could train to sing and touch the lives of many. I say this to say, some people never use their talents, most people don't even know they have one and others are naive to what talent is. Talent does not start and end at playing a musical instrument or a sport. Being able to make people laugh is a talent hence the number of comedians we have today, dancing - street dance, classical etc, cooking, planning and even talking - motivational speaker, MC and I could go on. Stop putting things in boxes and making excuses to not do your part in the world. Most importantly stop undermining the thing you can do.
Aim for progress, not perfection. Just because you're gifted doesn't mean the first time you sing, you rank with Whitney or Celine. As with all else, practice makes perfect. The gift is just the seed, you have to plant and nurture it. You don't stop just because you have IT. It takes dedication and it takes execution.
Believe it or not, you have a part in the world. Someone out there needs you to portray your gift so they can be inspired to use theirs. Are you really going to let them down? Your purpose is aligned with your talent, your gift. You cannot fulfill a calling without using the reason you were called in the first place. It's like hiring a professional landscaper who all of sudden wants to paint walls instead? The look on your face when that happens is how God is looking at you too, very confused.
You may not know what that gift is. Perhaps you're overlooking or underlooking it. Ask those around you what they think you're good at but keep in mind it's not only about what you're good at. It could also be what you're passionate about getting into. For some people, talent and passion overlap but this isn't always the case. Dig deep and figure out what yours is, the world needs it more than you think.
The way you execute your talent should draw others in and make them want to learn what you do. Now go out and do the damn thing! I'm rooting for you.

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